Whale sharks, the gentle giants of the sea, have captured the hearts of many marine enthusiasts and tourists worldwide. These majestic creatures have become an iconic attraction in places like
Welcome to our Haka dive BLOG! We are happy to tell you all about our experiences with diving and give you the best tips & Tricks before and during your diving trip to the Philippines!
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Whale sharks, the gentle giants of the sea, have captured the hearts of many marine enthusiasts and tourists worldwide. These majestic creatures have become an iconic attraction in places like
Panglao offers some of the best dive sites in the Philippines. Even the house reef offers an exciting wall dive, covered with colorful hard and soft corals. We are going
For divers there is no question of why scuba dive, only how, when and where will my next dive be. So where does this enthusiasm come from? There are so
Escape to the tropical haven of Panglao, Bohol, with ease. Fly into Tagbilaran Airport from major Philippine cities, or take a scenic ferry ride from neighboring islands. Upon arrival, Panglao’s
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